Health & Hygiene Policy

All employees have the responsibility to co-operate to achieve a Healthy and Safe work place. All Health and Safety problems should be reported to the Director or members of the Administrative staff. It is the responsibility of the Administrative staff of the school to follow up and resolve such issues.


  1. To ensure a healthy and safe environment for all staff, pupils and visitors.

  2. To ensure that all activities within the school environment have no adverse effect on the health and safety everyone in the school.

  3. To ensure that First Aid is given by qualified or trained First Aid personnel within the school.

  4. To inculcate Health and safety consciousness/procedures in pupils and ensure they take responsibility for their health and safety.

  5. To maintain a favourable non polluted environment for the benefit of everyone in school.

Procedures to ensure high standards of Health and safety in the school

Staff and Children

  1. At least one fully trained member of staff must be available to handle situations which cannot be handled by teachers. This member of staff should be known to everyone in the school.

  2. A First Aid kit is located in a strategic area where it is easily accessible to all staff. Items in the First Aid kit should be monitored and replaced when due by the School Administrator.

  3. The only medicines in the First Aid kit should be painkiller tablets and Oral Dehydration solution packets.

  4. The school must ensure a First Aid kit is taken when going out on field trips and any other school functions the pupils will be engaged in.

  5. Disposable gloves must be worn by teachers when dealing with body fluids.

  6. Hand Sanitizers must be at strategic points in the school where pupils can easily have access to it.

  7. Medication brought in by parents must be duly signed for and only be administered by the school nurse.

  8. Pupils must remain at home when ill to reduce the possibility of affecting others.

  9. Pupils /staff can only be allowed into school with a medical report from a recognised hospital after ill health.


  1. Medical forms detailing vaccinations and other health conditions are filled by parents at the point of registering their children.

  2. Parents give their consent in terms of using the school registered hospital for cases of health emergencies.

  3. Children will not be allowed to school when ill with a fever or any contagious disease.

  4. In the event of conflicting views, the school reserves the right to request a certified report from a doctor verifying the child is fit enough to be in school.

  5. Parents must inform the school if their children develop symptoms of a contagious condition for instance, measles.

Administering First Aid

  1. Small cuts and Minor injuries:The wound is washed with water first and cleaned with antiseptic. A hypoallergenic plaster is applied if necessary.

  2. High Temperatures:If the temperature of a child is high, probably suffering from a fever, the parent will be called on phone immediately to pick up the child. Before arrival, tepid sponging is administered to lower the temperature.

  3. Serious injuries:A Parent will be notified immediately if serious injury occurs.

  4. Emergency:: In cases of emergency, the affected child is taken to the school hospital (which parents have consented to on the Emergency form). The parent is notified immediately.

General Hygiene
It is the responsibility of the administrative staff to monitor the cleanliness of the entire school. An inspection is done daily and recorded. This is to ensure the school is clean at all times. Good hygiene habits in the children is the responsibility of the teachers. Emphasis is placed on hand washing.

Fire Safety
There are Fire extinguishers at strategic point in the Preschool and Primary school buildings. All exits are marked and kept free of obstructions. Fire alarms and other fire safety equipment are checked regularly. Fire Drill exercise is held annually for staff and children of the school.

Electrical Safety
The facilities manager must always ensure electrical equipment are numbered and logged. All electrical appliances must be duly monitored and serviced regularly. Teachers and staff must ensure all appliances are switched off after the close of day.

Controlling Risks
All staff are responsible for reporting hazards. Action must be taken immediately by the administrative staff when such reports are made.

  1. All toys used by the Preschoolers must be washed and disinfected daily.

  2. The Facilities manager ensures all equipment in school are in good working condition and not hazardous to health. Electrical and switches must be out of the reach of children.

Recommended Health Practice
Parents are encouraged to state concerns they may have regarding the health of their children. The following documentation is kept in school:

  1. Parental consent forms for field trips.

  2. Parental consent forms with functions requiring the children to eat or drink.

  3. Get well forms advising parents to get medical attention for their child if necessary.

  4. Medical forms

  5. Medical Emergency forms

  6. Injury Report