Curriculum Policy

Delightsome Land School has an integrated curriculum which comprises mainly of the Nigerian and British Curricula. This Curriculum is designed to promote learning, personal growth and development in every child. It constantly stimulates and broadens the interest of children. The Curriculum includes a range of extracurricular activities organised by the school. These activities are aimed at discovering hidden talents which are eventually developed. The Curriculum is also aimed at helping children develop the right attitude towards life and to have respect for their culture and the diverse cultures in the world at large.
The Curriculum is reviewed annually to ensure it is up to date at all times.

Aims & Objectives

  1. To nurture and produce independent children who can fit in where ever they find themselves.

  2. To inculcate a sense of respect for country and other nations.

  3. To promote a positive attitude towards learning.

  4. To arouse curiosity: this eventually leads to developing skills in Research work.

  5. To broaden the minds of children to understand the relationship between past events and present day events.

  6. To help children discover their abilities and develop self confidence.

Organization & Planning

The curriculum delivery is in different stages:

PRESCHOOL: The curriculum is designed keeping in mind the physical and intellectual development characteristics of two to four year old children. In the Reading Curriculum, they learn, understand and use a variety of new words. In numbers, they count, identify and create patterns.
Arts and Craft introduce the young ones to expressing themselves through arts. Children also learn about things in their immediate environment which helps to build their interest in exploration.
Our Preschool Curriculum provides a strong foundation for a variety of subjects.

PRIMARY SECTION: The curriculum is broken down in different stages - Foundation Stage, Key Stage one and Key Stage two.
The Foundation stage is for the Reception class. Here, the curriculum is planned to meet early learning goals. Teachers teach by building on the Preschool experiences. Children are introduced to different subjects.
Key learning skills such as listening, speaking concentration and persistence in completing given tasks are developed here.
In the other Key Stages, subjects are taught separately and more in-depth. The curriculum is planned carefully so there is consistency and full coverage of all aspects of the curriculum.
Parents support is important for a balanced school progress. We work together to maintain a good relationship with the parents, keeping them informed about their children’s progress.

Monitoring & Review

The Director of the school monitors the way the school curriculum is implemented. Each subject is reviewed according to the policy review timetable.
The Director also liaises with the Head teacher and monitors the way subjects are taught closely.
The Head Teacher is responsible for the daily organisation of the curriculum. The lesson plans for all teachers are monitored to ensure effective delivery in all classes.